Imam Showed Modesty Toward Elementary Students

Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic in a memorable letter responding to an elementary student had shown an unprecedented level of modesty.

ID: 38160 | Date: 2014/12/16
The great spiritual and religious leader of the Muslim world while replying a kind letter by the elementary students said that he stood in need of advice from them.

Imam thanked children for expressing their pure and innocent feelings towards him, and in return advised them to pay attention to their lessons.

The little students had praised Imam’s divine personality and services rendered by him for the Iranians and oppressed nations of the world.

The founder of the Islamic Republic also recommended the students to decorate themselves with good manners and ethic at their early stages of life.

The great leader urged the children to obey their parents and respect teachers which would contribute as key factors to their success. 

The grand Ayatollah Khomeini issued special guidelines for relevant officials and government authorities and paid attention to maintain high standards of education in the country.

Imam frequently described students as future builder of the nation from various perspectives.

Imam wanted the school and university students, and graduates proved to be builder of nation and contributed to progress and advancement of the country.

The great leader of the Muslim world wanted the Muslim students, graduates, and professors to prove competent and render their services for the Islamic and oppressed nations. 

Imam Khomeini established an Islamic-democratic system which aimed at bringing independence, freedom, and civil liberties for the Iranians and all other oppressed nations across the globe.