By Time Management lead a fruitful life

Imam Khomeini used to highlight time management and self-discipline in all affairs

ID: 56447 | Date: 2018/11/23

The great founder of Islamic Republic always remembered his spiritual teacher and master, the great mystic, Ayatollah Shah-Abadi, the author of al-Jawahir, with special care and reverence.

For the compilation of al-Jawahir my master had scheduled to finish it on a certain date and had allotted part of his time to write it at nights on a regular basis, Imam remembered.

On the day we were informed of the demise of Ayatollah's beloved son, who was a learned person and a man of knowledge, Imam added, we prepared ourselves for the funeral ceremony but it was delayed for the next day. So they placed the corpse in a room at night.

Astonishingly, when Ayatollah was alone with his son he started to write part of the al-Jawahir as he had scheduled before.  

After the narration and remembrance of his master, the great Imam emphasized to his students that they needed to work hard and schedule the jobs they were tasked with to lead a fruitful life.

Narrated by: Ayatollah Hassan Qadiri

Keeping Pace with the Sunlight, vol. 4, p. 101