Imam used to study for several hours, but took break for prayers

A memoir by Hojjat al-Islam Masoudi Khomeini

ID: 76119 | Date: 2023/01/21
Hojjat al-Islam Masoudi Khomeini has recalled through a series of memoirs that it frequently happened that “I used to sit with Imam in his room while he got busy in studying various books and works.

Imam used to explore works and read books continually from morning until noon,” Masoudi said

Imam never spoke or took break during those hours unless a question or a query was referred to him. In such a situation, Imam answered and replied briefly, he added

Otherwise Imam kept himself busy. But whoever the time for the noon prayers reached, he would have put the pen on the ground and left everything to get ready for performing prayers.

(A memoir by Hojjat al-Islam Masoudi Khomeini)