Leader says Iranian, Iraqi nation connected through faith, enemy plot to sow discord will fail

Leader says Iranian, Iraqi nation connected through faith, enemy plot to sow discord will fail

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has said that the Iranian and Iraqi nations are connected through faith and that an enemy plot seeking to sow discord between the two will fail.

Monday, October 07, 2019 08:48

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The Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution under Imam`s Leadership

The Reasons for the Success of Islamic Revolution under Imam's Leadership

The Islamic revolution under the wise leadership of Imam Khomeini emerged as a uccess story and a perfect model for other ongoing Islamic movements across the strategic regions of the Muslim world.

Wednesday, October 02, 2019 04:00

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Impact of Islamic Revolution on Islamic Awakening

Impact of Islamic Revolution on Islamic Awakening

That the Iranians stage a revolution under the banner of Islam was and is a very deep transformation, which seems rather strange on a planet almost conquered by the idea of separation of religion and state.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11:37

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Reformism in the context of Islamic Awakening

Reformism in the context of Islamic Awakening

The reformist and revivalists movements both seek change; the reason being that in the view of its advocates there has been a rupture between Muslim societies and Islamic principles.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 10:50

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The spring of Islamic awakening

The spring of Islamic awakening

Today people from different walks of life are struggling against the authoritarian regimes in Middle East and North Africa, at the risk of being killed every day.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019 02:55

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An examination of the new political concepts according to Imam Khomeini with an emphasis on republicanism of the Islamic system and elections

An examination of the new political concepts according to Imam Khomeini with an emphasis on ...

One of the main bases of that new system is people's vote. His Eminence Imam Khomeini as the main and the one who has theorized and has been the ideologue of the Islamic republic system has had a taintless and from all aspects has supported the pillar of republicanism of the system emphasizing the views of the people and that subject is seen vividly in different cross sections of the 33 years of the Islamic revolution during the time of his leadership and even his rightful successor. And that is one of the decisive answers to those who claim and they have to do with the world new democratic systems and they have consistently accused the Islamic republic system of being one dimensional and they call it reactionary, petrified or dictatorial.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:12

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