Religious scholars of divine religions speak on character of Imam Reza (a.s.)

Religious scholars of divine religions speak on character of Imam Reza (a.s.)

A group of priests and representatives of religions participating in the Intl. Forum Imam Reza and the Divine Religions have commented on the scientific and moral character of the Imam.

Sunday, June 20, 2021 09:32

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Pakistani scholars say Imam Khomeini has been a symbol of courage, determination

Pakistani scholars say Imam Khomeini has been a symbol of courage, determination

Pakistani thinkers, leaders of religious parties and scholars affiliated with different Islamic schools of thought attended the event. They expressed their heartfelt devotion to Imam Khomeini and his sacrifices in the fight against tyranny, arrogant powers, support for the oppressed, including Palestine.

Saturday, June 05, 2021 08:03

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Imam Khomeini supported freedom-seeking movements in all Islamic countries

Imam Khomeini supported freedom-seeking movements in all Islamic countries

A member of the Iraqi parliament has said that Imam Khomeini is considered as a turning point in the Islamic world following the victory of the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Friday, June 04, 2021 08:30

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Imam Khomeini’s popularity in Afghanistan’s society is so high: Afghan professor

Imam Khomeini’s popularity in Afghanistan’s society is so high: Afghan professor

Professor Mohammad Fayyaz Uruzgani, a member of the Scholars Council of Afghanistan, said that Imam Khomeini saved the real Islamic values.

Friday, June 04, 2021 08:05

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Imam Khomeini`s global message crossed beyond borders

Imam Khomeini's global message crossed beyond borders

Seyed Hassan Khomeini who, in an address to an international conference titled “Imam Khomeini and the Contemporary World" on Thursday, said the message inspired hearts even in non-Muslim countries. He also stressed that the message of Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution he led to victory has gone beyond Iran and other Muslim countries.

Thursday, June 03, 2021 05:42

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President Rouhani says Islamic countries must cooperate in defending Palestine against Zionist aggression

President Rouhani says Islamic countries must cooperate in defending Palestine against Zionist ...

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says Islamic countries must join hands to defend the people of Palestine and counter hostile and racist acts of aggression by the Zionist regime.

Thursday, May 13, 2021 04:15

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