Sunday, September 13, 2020 03:34
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, once through his historic remarks said that the Holy Prophet of Islam conveyed message of spirituality and morality at a very sensitive juncture of history when the human societies had been plunged into social and moral decline.
Sunday, March 22, 2020 09:57
Imam Khomeini through his historic speeches and messages said that the holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was assigned by God with a mission to complete moral of excellence.
Sunday, March 22, 2020 01:05
The founder of the Islamic Republic sent regular messages on birthday anniversary of Imam Ali and invited all government officials and masses to follow footsteps of the truthful successor of the holy prophet in all perspectives of life.
Saturday, March 07, 2020 10:14
Imam Khomeini used to attach special significance to reciting the holy scripture of Quran during holy month of Ramadan.
Sunday, February 23, 2020 06:24
Tuesday, February 18, 2020 11:32
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works stressed that Hadrat Fatima (peace be upon her ) was a woman who embodied all the virtues of the prophets.
Saturday, February 15, 2020 01:28