Tuesday, August 08, 2017 12:00
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, through his works, messages and speeches described the occasion as divine feast
Saturday, June 24, 2017 11:11
The late founder of the Islamic Revolution on several occasions highlighted the need for preserving unity of expression.
Wednesday, March 08, 2017 12:31
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 10:26
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani has reiterated foreign intervention in the internal affairs of countries, urging all nations to strongly combat terrorism.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015 02:13
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says the simple life-styled adopted by the founder of the Islamic Republic is a guiding torch for the whole humanity.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 07:53
Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic frequently emphasized to follow the footsteps of the holy prophets of Islam and his infallible successors.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 11:30
The founder of the Islamic Republic used to remind the nations the plight of oppressed people on auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr.
Saturday, July 18, 2015 10:53