Ashura message promoted progressive Islam

Ashura message promoted progressive Islam

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his historic speeches stressed that Imam Hussein (PBUH)'s school of thought promoted progressive Islam.

Friday, September 06, 2019 10:48

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Ashura will continue to inspire faithful people

Ashura will continue to inspire faithful people

Faithful people worldwide hold ceremonies every year in the month of Muharram to mourn the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and his loyal companions.

Thursday, September 05, 2019 04:22

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Muharram witnessed downfall of big powers against the word of truth.; Imam Khomeini explained

Muharram witnessed downfall of big powers against the word of truth.; Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini once said in a historic message that Muharram is a month that witnessed the downfall of big powers against the word of truth."

Tuesday, September 03, 2019 10:42

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Imam Khomeini recommended deep link between people and leadership

Imam Khomeini recommended deep link between people and leadership

Therefore, the link between the people and the leadership and the Islamic government is deep and faithful and because of this, Imam Khomeini could institute and conduct one of the most popular types of governments.

Thursday, August 29, 2019 02:30

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Imam Khomeini introduced model of leadership and government

Imam Khomeini introduced model of leadership and government

The great Imam was great mindful of his religious duties and performed all of them with great accuracy in accordance with divine teachings of Islam. The various facets of this amazing Islamic leadership of great Imam may be characterized as an exceptional personal integrity, unselfish lifestyle, iron- will, incredible courage and steadfastness.

Sunday, August 25, 2019 10:04

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Imam’s spirituality, rationality transformed world

Imam’s spirituality, rationality transformed world

Imam Khomeini’s was a matchless figure and his divine personality has had comprehensive dimensions.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019 08:37

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Muslims can form the greatest power in the world

Muslims can form the greatest power in the world

In his will made public Monday, the Late leader of the Islamic Revolution, appealed to Muslims to reject the East and West and called on them to join hands to create the "greatest power in the world"

Wednesday, August 07, 2019 11:27

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