Imam Khomeini highlighted divine personality of Hadrat Zainab (PBUH) , flag-bearer of Karbala message

Imam Khomeini highlighted divine personality of Hadrat Zainab (PBUH) , flag-bearer of Karbala ...

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Re pubic through his works highlighted divine personality of Hadrat Zainab (PBUH) , flag-bearer of Karbala message. The holy lady is known for resisting tyranny, oppression and injustices in history.

Friday, February 02, 2018 10:42

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Iran gained economic independence under Imam Khomeini leadership

Iran gained economic independence under Imam Khomeini leadership

Iranian nation achieved enormous economic achievements under wise leadership of Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic. Imam also changed balance of powers in the interest of the oppressed nations across the region and elsewhere in the world.

Sunday, January 21, 2018 02:51

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Trump left no stone unturned over to destroy nuclear agreement, Rouhani

Trump left no stone unturned over to destroy nuclear agreement, Rouhani

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani says the administration of US President Donald Trump has failed in its attempts to kill the 2015 multilateral nuclear deal, describing this as a “victory” for the Iranian nation and the rule of law.

Sunday, January 14, 2018 10:17

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Trump mentally `not fit for office`

Trump mentally 'not fit for office'

US Congressman John Garamendi says many Republican lawmakers agree with him that President Donald Trump is mentally “not fit for office.”

Saturday, January 06, 2018 11:41

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He avoided verbosity

He avoided verbosity

Seldom you could find a person claiming that he had not benefited from the Imam’s classes.

Friday, December 29, 2017 09:49

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Imam Khomeini presented deep vision in Kashf al-Asrar

Imam Khomeini presented deep vision in Kashf al-Asrar

In 1940s, Imam Khomeini wrote and published a book entitled Kashf al-Asrar in which he revealed the crimes of the 20-year monarchy of Rida Shah. Imam through his well-known book presented deep vision and insightful discussions about a range of topics facing the Muslim society.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017 10:47

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