Imam's historic letter displays deep trust in young Nasrallah

Imam's historic letter displays deep trust in young Nasrallah

Late Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was a twenty-one-year-old youth when he was found on the merit to collect or receive religious dues from Imam Khomeini and spend him for the well being of needy faithful and believers.

Imam’s historic permit letter issued in early 1980s granted him the permission comes as following:   

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and peace and blessings be upon the honorable prophet of Islam Muhammad (‘a) and his pure progeny, and the curse of God the Almighty be upon all their enemies.

Hojjat al-Islam Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah – Gold bless him- is allowed to collect or receive religious dues on my behalf and is authorized to spend for the wellbeing of needy believers and oppressed ones.

He is also allowed to spend part of those religious dues or funds to fulfill the expenses of the honorable Sadats – the descendant of the holy prophet and others like them – and can raise or spend funds for the promotion of the religious cause and matters.

I command him the same which was advised by our righteous predecessors to be accompanied by piety and guard himself by observing the divine duties, and to ask for caution in the affairs of the religious and worldly affairs.

Peace be upon him and upon the brothers of the believers, may God's mercy and blessings be upon him.  

Ruhollah Al-Mousavi Al-Khomeini

 ‏(Sahifeh ye-Imam Vol. 15, p. 338)

On Friday, Israeli warplanes carried out a large strike against Haret Hreik neighborhood of Beirut’s densely populated southern suburb of Dahiyeh, flattening at least six residential buildings.

The attacks came as part of the regime’s escalation against Lebanon that has been targeting the country since October 7, when Tel Aviv launched a genocidal war on the Gaza Strip.

Nasrallah led Hezbollah for more than three decades. He was elected secretary-general of Hezbollah in 1992, aged 32, after an Israeli helicopter gunship killed his predecessor, Sayyed Abbas al-Musawi.

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